How to care for Diamond Jewellery?
Diamond jewellery is usually a meaningful gift or an investment. When it comes to jewellery care, it is worthy of a little love to ensure its beauty will last a lifetime.
When to clean diamond jewellery?
Clean your diamond jewellery only when it looks dull. As with any jewellery, diamond jewellery can become dirty and get marred when in contact with natural body oil from our skin, hand lotions, cosmetic products and other substances.
How to clean diamond jewellery?
Soak diamond jewellery in warm water, and mild dish or hand soap for 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with water, you may use a soft-bristled brush (soft toothbrush), and dry it with a soft lint-free cloth. In most cases, this should be sufficient to return your diamond jewellery to its previous brilliance. If it doesn’t, consult your jeweller.
How to store diamond jewellery?

The key is to always store it properly. Keep your diamond jewelry in a soft cloth pouch or jewellery box when not in use and when in transit. Avoid storing diamonds with other jewelry pieces that may scratch them. Take earrings for example, since they usually come in a pair, you can store them this way to avoid the diamonds from rubbing against each other while on the road.
How to prevent damages?
Avoid wearing diamond jewellery when doing physical activities such as going to the gym, sports or gardening etc. Diamonds are the hardest stones in existence today but they can still be chipped or scratched if hit hard or the gold might bend or break.
Avoid exposing diamonds to harsh chemicals suc
When to seek professional help in diamond cleaning?
Take your diamond jewellery for professional cleaning and inspection annually if it is something you wear daily. Your jeweller can check for any damages or loose settings and repair them if necessary.

By following these tips, you can keep your diamond jewellery looking beautifully sparkly for years to come.